100 questions for lolitas

Please tell us your name, birthday and where you’re from.

mythel metamorphosia, march 11 1856, iran

What is your height, weight, clothes size and shoe size?

im 166cm, my weight is a secret, my clothes size is between s and m, and shoe size won't be told

Why did you start wearing Lolita Fashion?

i fell in love with lolita fashion after going through a rabbit hole of pictures of gothic lolita coordinates on pinterest around late 2020. later on i also discovered mana sama and his music projects malice mizer and moit dix mois which introduced me into vkei. i loved the customes of malice mizers especially klaha era malice mizer, because of that im very fond of the whimsical nature of oldschool tanbi-kei bands. i don't quite remember if back then i was more into old school lolita or modern-style lolita but i appreciate the punkier and rebellious nature of older lolita coordinates.

What’s your favorite genre(style) of Lolita?

old school general (mostly gothic and classic but i also dabble in sweet old school as well). i would also like to experiment with ero lolita and proto lolita as well.

Express in your own words, the ideal of your above answer.

pieces that use a lot of raschel laces, floral gobelin (even better if its in a ugly colorway), the "frumpy" vintage porcelain doll vibe attached to oldschool, and inspirations from kote kei.

Do you have any piercings, and if so how many?

none unfortunately

What is your favorite brand?

metamorphose temp de fille, viviene westwood, kazuko ogawa, old innocent world, old moi meme moitie, visible, marble, heart e, cornet

What is your favorite piece of clothing?

my favorite piece of my wardrobe changes over time but currently, i love my gothic black op. it's one of my favorite sewing projects although it was a pretty hard project. regardless, i love the vampire vibe of it. it reminds me a lot of the dress that mana wore in saikai no chi to bara's music video.

How many Lolita friends do you have?

i don't know if my tumblr lolita mutuals counts, but i don't really have that much of lolita friends in real life. iran doesn't have a lolita community unfortunately and besides that, i perfer being lonlelita.

What is the best thing about being a Lolita?

the whimsical and ethereal nature of lolita fashion. the amount of love someone can put over a creation of a dress. nowdays unfortunately with the rise of fast fashion no one really put the same effort into the creation of clothing pieces, once a piece of factory-made clothing isn't the "it" item anymore it's thrown away to the deepest sea of the farthest country only to rot within a few days or so. however within lolita fashion an item can be passed through generations of lolita.

On the contrary, what is the worst?

the community's unconscious fear of not looking "good" in a coordinate, or the fact that some people still associate many falsehoods to an style just for sake of its name or it's nature.

What magazine(s) do you read?

i don't read a lot of magazines anymore, but i do quiet enjoy looking through the archives of gothic lolita bible (especially the earlier volumes), and kera magazines fore insporation.

Headdresses vs Bonnets vs Ribbons (Headbows)?

if i could take two, it would be either headdresses (especailly a very frilly and lacey one) or a bonnet (i like those that are minimal and are soft).i don't like the look of headbows except if its for an alice coord but i perfer those two.

Do you wear bloomers?

yes most of the time. but if im wearing full thighs or leggings then i don't see them as necessary.

Do you tie your headress in the front or the back?

i tied it in the front as its the only way i could do it. infact i didn't know people ties their headresses in the back until i read this question!

Do you have a favorite music genre or band?

i LOVE oldschool visual kei and there are a lot of bands and musicians that i listen to. so much that i lost my count so here my top 11: 11.blam honey 10.aliene mar'iage 9.velvet eden 8.shazna 7.eliphas levi 6.buck tick 5.dir en grey 4.x japan 3.malice mizer 2.lareine 1.lucifer luscious violenue. just to be clear im aware that some of the people that i listen to are not the best people, i just enjoy their music and not themselves. besides that i also listen to 80's and 90's goth

What is your phone ringtone?

my phone ringtone is malice mizer's song "le ciel". love the etheral vibe of that song

Do you go to lives/concerts in Lolita?

i hate how loud concerts are. also none of my favorite bands would play in middle east bc 1.middle east is too boring for visual shock 2.most of them are inactive

For those that go to lives/concerts, do you headbang?

What colours do you like?

ivory, white, pastel blue, wine red, baby pink

What are your hobbies?

drawing, sewing, writing poetry, overthinking (im sorry), playing video games, listening to music, watching animes or movies

What is your favourite perfume?

this iranian perfume called hypnotic pison by a brand called brandini, i love the sweet smell of it.

Being a Lolita, is there anything you are careful of?

making sure my clothes aren't too thight.

Where do you usually hang out?

in my room..

How many times do you wear lolita a week?

if i feel like to. i can't wear it to outside unless if its for family gatherings

Please tell us an embarrassing story you are guilty of from your early days of wearing lolita

my first sewing project turned dogshit because at time i didn't have that much knowledge for sewing especially for lolita sewing

What is your hairstyle and hair color now?

my hair is long and burnette and can curly if wet. im still not sure if i want to cut it or not but i want to dye it ginger this summer. possibly a slightly dark ginger. i also have bangs!

How long is your lolita history?

i started collecting lolita(able) items since februray 2023

Do you have a dedicated place for storing lolita?

my bigger wardobe of my room

Up to now have you ever thought about quitting lolita?

nope! i just started my journey

What is your motto?

What is your future dream?

become a game dev or at least work for a game project.

Is there any celebrity you think “This person definitely suits Lolita!”?

i dont care that much about celebrities

Please tell us about an item that is full of memories

What is the very first item you got?

my black and white op that i got costume-made is possibly my very first lolita item.

When having your photo taken, do you have a pose you always do?

idk how to describe it so here are some photos

What is the "Bible" of your heart? (Like what book, magazine, CD etc represents you?)

the anime and manga "kaze to ki no uta". i love the story, vibes and general aesthetics, the topics it's discussed in, the fluidity of its characters and its ost, GOD I LOVE KAZEKI'S OST SOOO MUCH! it's a very tragic story but a shounen-ai ahead of it's time and a very influential shoujo

What is the height of the tallest shoes you wear?

for now, my tallest shoes's height is 7.5cm

Have you ever worn a tiara?

no, i prefer side crowns!

Occasionally do you want to try Ouji?

i lowkey want to especially old school ouji thats is sometimes called kodona

What kind of lace do you like?

raschel lace (the good quality ones)

Do you have dolls? If you do please tell us about her!

i want to start collecting porcelain dolls but for now i have none

What’s inside your Lolita bag?

my phone, my flip phone that i over customized, my 2007 digital camera, a mirror that has a face of a beautiful bjd doll on it, my earbuds, and my red sunglasses, some gums, and a music box

What’s your favorite flower?

red roses and white tulips

What is your favorite accessory right now?

my white choker is my favorite accessory alongside my cross pendant (im not a christian btw)

What is your favorite or recommended cosmetics?

Big and beautiful eyes are the proof of a doll! So, do you wear false eyelashes? Also if you have any tips for application please tell us.

i hate the feeling of wearing falsies and i struggle putting them on. my lashes are curled already so i just put a small amount of mascara on them, don't get overbored with it as it will make your lashes dry and chunky mascara on lashes looks ugly but you do you

What is your particular eye makeup?

using my natural eyeshadow pallette (that i stole from my mom) i start from the lightest color of brown. i usually put my eye shadow above my lids. as i approach my eye corner i use darker shades of browns and i creat a slight wing around my corner. i do same process with my lower lids. if i want to i will put some light colored eye shadow on my lids. then i put mascara

Is your lipstick red? Blue? Black? Pink?

depends on my coordniate. if its gothic it's a red lip and black lip liner mix. if it's classic it's just red. sometimes i just put lip-gloss

What color do you use often for your manicures?

i like my nails red, but i know if i paint my nails i will end up chewing them.

Have you ever stealthily changed into your clothes in a train (or public) toilet?


Have you ever done a twinning coord? A triplet coord? What are your thoughts?

i dont really like twinning or triplet coords, because obtaining the same pieces but in different colorways must be hard. plus i'd like to have my own unique coord when being with other lolitas.

What are you doing to keep in shape? Any recommendations?

would not recommend my way.

Wearing lolita alone. Are you okay with it?

yes. i would like to go to a comm meet up but i perfer wearing my coords alone

How much do you spend a month on clothes and accessories?

im a gatekeeper sorry -_-

Was there a considerable time difference between when you found out about Lolita and when you started wearing it?

i guess i knew it a bit before i discover it but my brain is really rotten so i don't kno

What is the most expensive thing you’ve bought up to now?

Lolita is really expensive. How to get money for it?

my parents money will be sacrificed for my hobbies

Just between the two of us, generally how much have you spent on Lolita altogether up until now?

What shop do you want close to you?

teleport me to metamorphose's 2000's shop pleaaaaaase

Just between the two of us, are there are any shops you think are a total ripoff?

wunderwult moi meme moitie is not it. also lolita brands need to stop with the jirai-keification of their newer pieces.

Do you use online shops? If you have what are the good and bad points about it? If you haven’t, please tell us why.

i sew most of my items but if i wanted to start buying brands pieces (hopefully in future) i have no choice but use online platforms

Just between us, even if you want to keep it your own secret, what’s an indie brand that makes you go “this is exactly my style”

i love kazuko ogawa's pieces soo much as mentioned before. kind of a bummer that it didn't continue after 2006

I definitely won’t get it! But I really really want it! Do you have a certain something from a certain brand that you want?

every metamorphose's gobelin floral or bouquet prints are my dream items T_T

What do you do wih pieces you get bored of?

i haven't got bored of any of my pieces.

What is the last thing you bought (even outside of Lolita)?

mary shelley's frankinstein book

Is there something you’ll probably never have it again, but you can’t forget about?

What do you think of people that wear lolita only to lives/concerts?

no opinion. yall are lucky to see your favorite bands

What do you think of people that don’t wear makeup with lolita fashion?

i don't see wearing makeup necessary for lolita fashion

There’s a Lolita wearing the same coord as you! What do you think?

i don't mind to be honest. i know i said that i don't twinning coords or i'd like to have unique coords, but i don't really care if it's accidental

From what age until what age do you think is forgivable to wear Lolita?

anyone from every age group is allowed to wear lolita fashion

In what situation do you think you would have to stop wearing Lolita?

probably if i started going on T and my body wouldn't fit my dresses

Do you have any “Stop doing this!” warnings?

stop touching my dresses!

Do you have any thoughts about what a Lolita should be like?

they should allow themselves to experiment with different concepts

Excluding question 73, is there anything you don’t want a Lolita to do?

not force other lolita's into their standard

What do you think of boys wearing Lolita?

Since wearing Lolita has anything about changed from before?

im more carefull knowing which brands are ethical or not, and which ones produce higher quality clothing. i also got to know what are my interests.

What do the people around you say about you wearing Lolita?

they don't mind it. my parent think it's a bit over the top but they do let me dress in lolita.

In the midsummer heat, what kind of Lolita do you wear?

i try to two coords with short sleeves and try to step away from doing full coords

Do you wear Lolita to school/your workplace?

my school has a uniform so no

What are your regular style of clothes?

baggy shirt + skinny jeans combo

Are you opposed to second hand clothing?

no, in fact the part that i love about lolita fashion it's is sustainability

Do you have a partner? And do they understand Lolita?

nope. im a forever single asexual and currently im not looking for relationships

Please tell us the image of your ideal guy

Is there a Lolita that has left a big impression on you?

ferro ashley is one my biggest lolita insporation. mana sama's older coordinates are also the reason why i got into this fashion as stated before

Have you ever made your own clothes? If so what kind?

80% of wardobe is handmade

Have you ever made your own accessories? If so what?

all of my accessories (besides jewelry) are handmade

Is there an item you’ve made that you think “It’s a great success!”?

as stated before my black gothic op is my favorite project so far. besides that i also love how my white headdress turned out

If you have an ideal coord, please talk about it.

a gobelin bouquet op with a ton of raschel lace (possibly this one) with white sleeves that are attached to the dress, a soft white full bonnet with white raschel lace accessorized with fake roses that are made out of felt fabric, white raschel knee socks, black gothic platform heels or these boots, a white capelet with white raschel lace, angel wings, and of course you can't forget the thigh ringlets!

Is there someone you admire? What kind of person are they?

i admire tiffy from rawtime. she always knew how to respond to creeps and trolls and i love her attitude, fashion taste, and humor

For one day you can go on a date with that special person. They will also be wearing their favorite clothes. So who is it, what are you wearing and where is the date?

we are in a secret garden away from the populated crowd. we're are having a tea party and beside us our only visitor are the chirping birds and the small animals wandering around. small treats are being served for this tea like small cakes, cookies, and teas sandwiches. im wearing a white frilly lacey gown inspired by the rococo period and letting my hair loose he's wearing a sexy and frilly vampire blouse with tight black pants and boots. after the tea we wander around the garden, dancing, running, laughing. this is our most beloved time.

Unconsciously, this catches your eye! Which motif is it?

crown and alice mofits!

Would you also want your child(ren) to wear Lolita?

i don't want to have children

How much do you spend on each piece of clothing?

This is a Lolita! If you think there’s a gesture like that please tell us.

if they're super into malice mizer or visual kei or are deep into jfashions

Even if it’s only one time I wanna wear it! Is there something you want to wear other than Lolita?

rokku gyaruo

Looking at your Lolita, if you could use one word to represent it, what would it be?

porcelain doll

What is your image of an ideal Lolita?

a victorian era person transported to the time

大変お疲れ様でした! Please share your thoughts on taking this questionnaire.

it was pretty long but worth it